Faithful Adaptation: Connecting Your People

Twice a week, for the next several weeks, Faith+Lead will host webinars where you can connect with ministry peers to discuss your needs, your challenges, your learnings--and most importantly, where God is showing up in the midst of this very real disruption.

Screenshot of webinar session01

On Thursday, March 19, Luther Seminary’s Faith+Lead Learning Lab hosted the first in a series of Faithful Adaptation Webinars.

Thanks to all who participated in the first-ever Faithful Adaptation webinar, hosted on Luther Seminary’s Faith+Lead Learning Lab.

Twice a week, for the next several weeks, Faith+Lead will host a space where you can connect with ministry peers to discuss your needs, your challenges, your learnings–and most importantly, where God is showing up in the midst of this very real disruption.

The webinar focused on “Connecting Your People.” It was amazing to connect with leaders from around the continent and to join in prayer, God’s Word, listening to one other, and learning more about how to connect with your people in this time.



Session 1 presenters Ben McDonald Coltvet (Luther Seminary) and Pastor Joy McDonald Coltvet (Christ on Capitol Hill Lutheran Church, St. Paul, Minnesota) shared their experience and insights gained in the last week at Christ on Capitol Hill. They discussed hosting worship online in a variety of modes (Facebook Live, Zoom, Facebook Watch Party), and also talked about the opportunities of gathering people to build community (including coffee hour and game night) in this time of physical distancing.

  • Ben McDonald Coltvet

    Ben McDonald Coltvet is Associate Director of Digital Content on the Faith+Lead team. He helps Faith+Leaders find the inspiration, encouragement, and resources they need to do the hard work of leading in their community through projects such as Working Preacher, Enter the Bible, and, of course, Faith+Lead.

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