Shaping a faithful culture of stewardship

Stewardship goes beyond congregational giving and includes all aspects of life—from household budgets to government spending. The Stewardship Leaders Program provides compelling thought leadership on financial stewardship, holistic stewardship, and leadership.

Funding Forward

Find New and Faithful Ways to Fund Your Ministry

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Thought leadership, research, and training from the Stewardship Leaders Program. See all >

Featured Resource

Square Graphic that reads: "Expectations Analysis Tool"

Free Tool

The tool serves to create a reflective space to critically assess and adjust expectations, ensuring they are both healthy and aligned with your congregation or faith community’s vision and mission.

It promotes a deeper understanding and alignment within the church community, essential for effective and transformative ministry.

Meet the Staff

Grace Pomeroy

Grace Duddy Pomroy

Grace Duddy Pomroy is the Director of the Stewardship Leaders Program at Luther Seminary. She’s a lay, millennial stewardship leader, speaker, and financial educator based in Allyn, WA. She is the co-author of the stewardship book, Embracing Stewardship: How to Put Stewardship at the Heart of Your Congregation’s Life, as well as author of the 2013 ELCA stewardship resource, “Stewards of God’s Love.” She is currently working on a book about alternative financial models for ministry with Fortress Press, an imprint of 1517 Media. Grace blogs on her website where she helps people connect their money and their values to create a more fulfilling life.

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