Find New and Faithful Ways to Fund Your Ministry

In a time when many churches are struggling to make ends meet, learn how congregations like yours have used innovative funding models to become more sustainable and deepen their impact in their communities.

Learn about more sustainable financial models for ministry

Learn From

The stories and experiences of over 100 Congregations

In 2022, Grace Pomroy and her team embarked on a research project to learn from congregations who are finding a more sustainable and faithful way forward.

Congregations Surveyed

Congregations looking to raise additional funds were most likely to turn to renting their property like the First Presbyterian Church of Gulf Shores Gulf Shores, AL.

In-Depth Interviews

Congregations finding creative ways to connect God’s mission, their community’s needs, and an underutilized asset like Peace Lutheran Church Tacoma, WA.

Now Available!

Funding Forward makes the best-seller list within 24 hours of release on Amazon’s Kindle.

Grace Pomory’s Funding Forward has hit the best-seller list within 24 hours of release! This book offers a fresh approach to sustainable ministry funding, providing leaders with practical, forward-thinking strategies to grow their mission while securing financial stability. Order the book today or get access to a FREE chapter of the book instantly.

Discover Insights

Inside the Research e-Book

One key insight from the research e-book is that congregations are exploring various ways to fulfill God’s mission and ensure sustainability. Read more about this and other key insights inside of the research e-book.

Key Insight

92% of surveyed congregations had used or were considering using at least one income source outside of the offering plate.

  • Renting church property 78%
  • Self-sustaining ministries 72%
  • Securing grants from outside of judicatory/denominational church bodies 66%
  • Forming a nonprofit organization 45%
  • Starting and maintaining a social enterprise or business 37%
  • Selling products or services 28%
  • Crowdfunding (only those who had used this income source) 23%
  • Selling church property 20%
  • Repurposing money from an endowment fund 17%
  • Another income source 15%

Ready to get started with Funding Forward?

We’re excited to accompany you on the journey to finding a more sustainable way forward for your ministry.

Watch the FREE On-Demand Webinar

Together, we’ll explore how God might be calling your congregation to use your resources and fulfill your mission in new ways.

Take the
On-Demand Course

Walk through a step-by-step process to tackle real financial challenges in this on-demand Faith+Lead course. Learn at your own pace with others from your congregation.

Hear from

The Communities That Shaped Funding Forward

Whether building affordable housing on church property, starting social enterprises to combat teen loneliness, finding new ways to engage lay leaders, or other initiatives, congregations are finding creative ways to join the work God is doing in their communities while creating a more financially sustainable future.

Pastors Cara Tanis and Harriet Platts

7400 Woodlawn

Pastor Barry Randolph

Church of the Messiah

Pastor Chrisy Ennen

First Presbyterian Church of Gulf Shores

Featured Resource

Find a More Sustainable Model for Your Ministry

Explore innovative approaches to tackle the unique financial challenges facing today’s church as you follow God into a faithful future for your church and your community

Lead Magnet: Funding Forward Research Project

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Funding Forward Resources

Learn from stories of real congregations and proven frameworks to help your congregation find a more sustainable, mission-aligned way to follow God into a faithful future.

Faith+Lead | Funding Forward: A Pathway to More Sustainable Models for Ministry
Ministry Funding

Funding Forward: A Pathway to More Sustainable Models for Ministry

Lead confidently through financial uncertainty with adaptive, faith-focused solutions.
Ministry FundingRecorded

Webinar: Funding Forward

urious about creating a sustainable financial future for your congregation while fostering meaningful community engagement? Explore new funding strategies for congregational mission beyond tithes and offerings.
On property at a well maintained Church with a steeple

Burden or Blessing? How to Use Your Church Property for Mission

Explore creative ways to use your church’s space that align with your church’s mission and your community’s needs.

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