Blog Posts

Living in Abundance: Perspectives from Classic Texts in Scripture (Session 1 of 3)

Living in Abundance: Perspectives from Classic Texts in Scripture (Session 1 of 3)

A three-part series of Bible lessons about stewardship. The first session looks at how Genesis uses words like “image of God” and “dominion” to talk about stewardship. Living in God’s Abundance: Perspectives from Classic Texts in Scripture Opening prayer God Almighty, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ: Grant us, we pray, to be grounded and…

The Pastoral Stewardship Letter

The Pastoral Stewardship Letter

This is an example of a stewardship letter sent by two pastors to congregation members.  The letter includes prayer, biblical reflection, thanksgiving, personal testimony, a bold ask and information about how to make a commitment. The Pastoral Stewardship Letter Dear Glenn and Rebecca, We dare to pray this prayer with the belief that this is…

Offertory Prayers

Offertory Prayers

Prayers to be used during the offertory each week. Sample offertory prayers for September 2002 Sept. 1, 2002 Blessed God, you have called us to contribute to the needs of the saints and to extend hospitality to strangers. Hallow these gifts that they may be a blessing to many in your name. Amen. Sept. 8,…