Blog Posts

Review of Monkey Business: A First Third Dialogue on Confirmation posts

Monkey Business: A First Third Dialogue on the Confirmation Process The dialogue was held Feb. 27-29, 2012 Pre-Dialogue Resources Preview Video: Dr. Nancy Going and Dr. Hans Wiersma discuss confirmation and the need for adaptive change. Podcast: Confirmation by Dr. Andy Root and Bethany Stolle Blog Post: So What’s Wrong with Confirmation? by Dr. Nancy…

Running into a Winnable Game

By Pastor Nancy Lee Gauche, Children, Youth and Family Ministry Program Associate at Luther Seminary There is a remarkable story about a person named Anne Mahlum.  Anne is a runner and she passed by a homeless shelter every morning on her daily run.  She began to develop rapport with the men outside on the corner….

Steve Jobs Confirmation Update!

Steve Jobs Confirmation Update!

By Hans Wiersma, professor of Religion at Augsburg College, where he also helps oversee the Youth and Family Ministry Program. Those of you who were part of the “Monkey Business” First Third Dialog on the Confirmation Process may recall that Steve Jobs (Peace Be upon Him) was a recurring character in my two talks.  The late…

Remembering Trayvon Martin

How do we, in the missional church movement, deal with the pain we feel as we listen to the discussion following the shooting of Trayvon Martin?  I fear that silence here could be misinterpreted. I think that those of us who carry white skin privilege can not remain silent. Silence is complicity, as the bumper sticker…