What I’m Reading: We. Need. To. Stop.

Angela Denker's reminder to stop, pray, listen, and breathe is as timely as ever.


Angela Denker’s blog post underscores the importance of not just slowing down — but stopping — during this pandemic. Denker delivers a word of grace, especially for those who feel unable to slow down in spite of stay-at-home orders. For me, her reminder to stop, pray, listen, and breathe is as timely as ever.

-Ben McDonald Coltvet, Digital Editor, Luther Seminary

From the post:

“Panic has moved from toilet paper roll buying to desperately proving our worth in a society that has long measured its value on economic measures.”

Read the whole thing.

What are you reading, listening to, or watching that’s giving you hope right now?

Let us know what’s helping you through and why, and we might feature your suggestion in this series! (If you’re not yet a member of the Faith+Lead Learning Lab, you’ll be prompted to join before sharing.)

  • Ben McDonald Coltvet

    Ben McDonald Coltvet is Associate Director of Digital Content on the Faith+Lead team. He helps Faith+Leaders find the inspiration, encouragement, and resources they need to do the hard work of leading in their community through projects such as Working Preacher, Enter the Bible, and, of course, Faith+Lead.

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