God and Grief and Loss: Turning on the Light

Navigate grief with God’s love as your compass.

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Loss casts a long shadow, and whenever we stumble through the maze of grief, we all search for a guiding light.

Whether you or someone you minister to has experienced a significant loss, difficult questions are sure to follow: Is God there? Does God truly care? How might I connect with God’s healing presence? What does faith even look like in the middle of grief and crisis?

“God and Grief and Loss” invites you to explore the intersection of grief, faith, and healing. Gently guided by Michele Bryant Powell, a counselor and Christian whose insights are shaped by personal experience and professional expertise, this on-demand course bridges the gap between theological insights and daily practices for navigating grief.

Gain a deeper understanding of personal loss through the lens of scripture and Jesus’ life so that you can find hope for yourself—or be equipped to support others with a sensitive, faithful framework for healing and care.

What You'll Learn

  • What it means to be accompanied by God’s presence, even when grief makes it difficult to understand—or believe in—God’s goodness.
  • Strategies and skills for navigating through sorrow.
  • Scriptural insights into the nature of suffering, including how Jesus’ experience of grief is a window into our own.
  • How to identify and respond to difficult emotions with self-compassion.
  • Evidence-based practices for dealing with grief-induced depression and anxiety.
  • Faithful perspectives on the stages of grief and how to navigate them with care.
  • What forgiveness is—and isn’t—and why it’s such an important part of the healing process.
  • Simple practices of preparing for difficult milestones, navigating through holidays, and coping with difficult days.
  • How to prepare yourself to be a source of comfort and guidance for others, either by sharing your story or ministering to those who are grieving.
  • And much more

About this Course

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  • Time

8 hours, 30 minutes

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Here's What's Inside...

Get oriented to the course, meet your instructor, download the interactive handbook, and more.

In this module you will:

  • Define grief.
  • Consider the grief of Jesus.
  • Be encouraged to start this healing journey for yourself or with someone else.

In this module you will:

  • Understand the first three stages of grief.
  • Consider how you or someone you know has experienced these stages.
  • Draw closer to Jesus as one acquainted with grief.

In this module you will:

  • Understand the last three stages of grief.
  • Consider how you or someone you know has experienced these stages.
  • Draw closer to Jesus as one acquainted with grief.

In this module you will:

  • Learn strategies for recognizing and accepting your emotions.
  • Practice identifying and responding to your emotions.
  • Increase your trust that God is present even in overwhelming situations.

In this module you will:

  • Understand characteristics of anxiety and depression.
  • Consider your own status of personal grief and anxiety.
  • Develop coping skills for dealing with grief-related anxiety and depression.
  • Explore scripture meditation as a particular coping strategy.

In this module you will:

  • Learn how guilt and forgiveness relate to grief.
  • Become more aware of God's love and forgiveness.
  • Practice a forgiveness strategy.

In this module you will:

  • Identify days of remembrance and holidays.
  • Learn to expect intensified grief that feels like a setback.
  • Practice coping skills for difficult days.
  • Create a support plan.

In this module you will:

  • Learn strategies for finding meaning in grief.
  • Consider the ways in which you might minister to others with your story.
  • Increase your trust in the God who comforts.

Find out your next steps as you complete the course. You'll also be encouraged to submit feedback about your course.

You'll Learn How to Connect with God
A silhouette of a woman pulling back the curtains and letting the sunlight into a dark room.

Our relationship with God buoys us in joy and pain, though it may be more difficult to feel God’s presence in times of suffering. This course focuses on that challenge, guiding you to strengthen and lean on your connection with God during the moments you need God’s peace and light the most.

What to Expect

  • Lifetime access to the course materials.
  • A comprehensive course handbook that features practices, reflection questions, and ways to deepen your engagement with the course material.
  • A FREE account inside the Faith+Lead Learning Lab, a private online learning community where you can connect with other learners and leaders who are walking through this course.

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Use this on-demand course as a complementary ready-made resource for small groups, Bible studies, discipleship growth, and equipping lay leaders in your specific ministry setting.

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Disclaimer: This site is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health-related diagnosis or treatment options. You should not use the information on this site to diagnose or treat any health issues.

Meet Your Instructor

  • Michele Bryant Powell

    Michele is no stranger to grief after losing both of her parents and most recently her husband to terminal illnesses. With more than 25 years of experience in the areas of pastoral care counseling, support group facilitation, leadership training, and development and rehabilitation counseling, Michele values supporting others as they journey through the unique challenges of life. She is the author of, “15 Minutes of Unpacking Our Grief,” which is a daily journal of her conversations with the Lord after losing her husband to stage IV cancer. The book chronicles her grief journey as she transparently unpacks and processes through her pain. In addition to being an author, Michele is a Grief Conversationalist who provides safe spaces to talk about grief through her faith blog, “Sitting with the Lord” and her Facebook page, “Grieftalk with Michele.” She also hosts Grieftalk forums and has several 15 Minutes of Unpacking Our Grief video blogs where she shares how she has coped on her grief journey. She is amazed at how God continues to bless her life after such great loss. She enjoys down time at home in North Carolina. She often posts videos of her furbabies, Queenie and Twinkle Bell, who have their own social media following. Michele always says that her dogs have the “gift of presence” as she navigates her own grief.

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Learning happens best when you do it together with folks who are on the same journey as you are.

That's why our private social network, the Faith+Lead Learning Lab, hosts conversations about course content with other learners, instructors, TAs, and community leaders.

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Want to bring God and Grief and Loss: Turning on the Light to your Bible study, small group, or even your entire congregation?

Choose "Enroll a Group" at checkout and select how many people you'd like to provide access to the course. You can go through the course together in-person, watch lessons together via Zoom, or even create a private group in the Learning Lab where participants can connect asynchronously.

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