A Pathway to More Sustainable Models for Ministry

Funding Forward Research Project

We believe that true sustainability in ministry is not just about dollars and cents. It's about aligning your congregation's mission with creative financial practices that deepen your connection with God and your community. In this research e-book, we dive into the inspiring stories of congregations like yours that have embraced change, cultivated relationships, and unlocked the power of faith to create more sustainable ministry models.

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Our Journey

Our journey began in the spring of 2020 when we set out to find cookie-cutter solutions for sustainable ministry models. What we discovered was far more exciting: each congregation's path to sustainability is unique, shaped by their mission, assets, and community. We embarked on a research project, engaging with congregations across the U.S. and Canada to uncover the essential conditions and practices for financial transformation

What's Inside

  • Key Survey Findings: Dive into the data and uncover why congregations are exploring alternative income sources and what’s driving them to make these changes.
  • Inspiring Stories from Congregations: Read stories of transformation from congregations that have found hope for themselves and their communities along the journey to financial sustainability.
  • Interview Insights: Explore the key motivations and practices gleaned from interviews with congregations that have shifted their financial models.

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