Danielle Cummings

Rev. Danielle Cummings is the very extroverted, very excitable director of ReNew York, a NYC arts ministry under A.C.T Int’l. She’s an aspiring novelist and an award-winning playwright with a B.A. in English from UT Austin and an M.A. in “Ministry in the Global City” from City Seminary of New York. She actually grew up in a Chinese church and as a result was discipled by Asian American faith leaders. She loves communication, event-planning and above maybe everything else, learning from people who think differently. Her ministry is mostly relational care, but she and her ministry partner Amy Pan also host at least two events each month: one to equip Christian artists and one to respond to art (eg: movie night) with an interfaith spiritual discussion. Ask her about New York City, hand-copying the Bible, or her amazing friends!