ACADEMY On-Demand Courses Persona Filter Church Volunteer / Ministry Leader Clergy Ministry Innovator Person of Faith Crash Course: God Connect with God $55 Enroll Involucrando La Innovación de Fé en Tu Congregación Shift Ministry Models $55 Enroll Discerning: Exploring God’s Call to Ministry Connect with God $0 Enroll Overflow: Loving God with our Mind Connect with God $55 Enroll Taste and See: Connecting with God Through Spiritual Practices Connect with God $55 Enroll God and Mental Health Challenges Cultivate Community $55 Enroll Walking the Narrow Road: Milestones in Church History Tell the Story $55 Enroll Positions: Thinking Theologically About Politics Love Your Neighbor $55 Enroll Money and Logistics for Starting a New Ministry Shift Ministry Models $55 Enroll Engaging Faithful Innovation in Your Congregation Shift Ministry Models $55 Enroll Genesis to Revelation: A Bible Overview Tell the Story $55 Enroll PopGods: Thinking Theologically about Pop Culture Love Your Neighbor $55 Enroll A More Excellent Way: The Gospel in an Age of Division Love Your Neighbor $55 Enroll Missio Dei: La Iglesia Enviada Shift Ministry Models $55 Enroll Justice in the Bible Love Your Neighbor $55 Enroll