
Monasticism and the Mayo Clinic

Silence and presence create space for centering in upheaval

Mary, Martha, Deion Sanders, and Me

The implications of imitation for church leadership

How to Get Useful Sermon Feedback

5 keys for success

The Antioch Effect

Reimagining church in a multicultural world via the book of Acts

Filling in the Vowels

Seeking Buechner’s alphabet of grace in Vonnegut’s incomprehensible world

De-Professionalizing Pastoral Identity?

On occupying time and being prophetic

Want to Read the Bible, but Not Sure Where to Start?

Different approaches to reading the Bible address different goals

Between Two Gileads

The danger of bumper sticker theology

Coming Back from Burnout?

Seeing our pastors as people with the same need for compassionate care that we have

Burnout Among Church Volunteers

Church membership should not be a source of weariness and burden

Ashes to Go in a Drive Thru Culture

Paradox in practice

The Ecstatic and the Everyday

On a Christian-mysticism-informed car pilgrimage to northeast Wisconsin

Letting Go Is Key to Living Well

Managing time and energy

Is This the Year?

Dreams, marbles, black holes, and soil

Annunciations and Resolutions

Opening to God in the New Year

Upcoming Live Workshop


Coaching and Leading in the Digital Age with Ryan Panzer