Sherry Willer Krieger is called as the Director of Leadership Development for Congregational Care with the Northwestern Ohio Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). She holds a Masters in Theological Study from Trinity Lutheran Seminary and a Masters in Social Service Administration from the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western Reserve University. She is a Licensed Social Worker, a 30-year veteran in the mental health/not-for profit system of care, and a rostered Deacon in the ELCA. Sherry is passionate about the intersection of faith, mental health and leadership development, and focuses her work on developing new strategies, teams, and partnerships that will help us tend to our community, family and friends that are so deeply hurting. She is married with 3 young adult children, and lives in Oregon, OH. She passionately supports her family and is devoted to helping others see and realize the grace that is evident in all aspects and experiences of life (even the hard times).