Faith, Addiction & Recovery

How can we connect faith to addiction and recovery?


Our bodies and minds are both resilient and vulnerable, and—Christians claim—reflect the image of God. Nothing highlights this dynamic quite like struggles with addiction and recovery. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 1 in 7 Americans experiences substance use disorder. For faith communities—for all of us really—it is important to realize that addiction is a disease and that addiction can be treated. Recovery is possible with the right treatment and support and honest conversation can reduce the stigma that delays treatment. 

This brings up some important questions about the role faith plays in this process. When is faith about relinquishing control? How do the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous function as spiritual practices for some people? What could the role of faith communities be in recovery? 

This month on The Faith+Leader blog, a range of people in recovery and those who love them share reflections, practices, and hope. Hear about congregations with recovery at their core. Join us live online to delve into these themes at the Book Hub on “Hope, In Vulnerable Bodies: Addiction, Illness, & Exhaustion” on Sept. 15 at 1pm Central, or join the Learning Lab Office Hour on Sept. 22 at 1p Central.

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