Cultivate Community

Christian communities need to be centers of deep listening, where God’s presence is named and life-giving relationships are formed across all dimensions of diversity—both within and beyond the church.

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photo of an elderly couple, the woman in a wheelchair

Lenten Discipleship

Imitating Christ by entering into the suffering of those around us
photo of a woman's silhouette in front of lights

Digital Ministry as a Fresh Expression of Church

When online action reaches beyond the boundaries of inherited church
Photo of a Cafe

Café Church?

How one volunteer’s simple steps created a thriving Christian community
Something New Because of You

Something New Because of You

The importance of how we talk about church membership
Bonhoeffer’s Challenge

Bonhoeffer’s Challenge

Three ways we’re called to deepen discipleship in an age of division
Accentuating the Positive in Youth Sports

Accentuating the Positive in Youth Sports

How churches can support the beautiful and the good found in athletics for kids
The Antioch Effect

The Antioch Effect

Reimagining church in a multicultural world via the book of Acts
Filling in the Vowels

Filling in the Vowels

Seeking Buechner’s alphabet of grace in Vonnegut’s incomprehensible world
Russian icon on the second coming, circa 1700.

Where Can Hope be Found?

The importance of eschatology in Christian community
Real Estate as Ministry?

Real Estate as Ministry?

Invited into sacred spaces of transition
Listening to Spiritual Lives in Your Ministry Context

Listening to Spiritual Lives in Your Ministry Context

Learning more about the stories and struggles of those entrusted to our care
Faith+Lead Spiritual Life Listening Tool Page Cover

Spiritual Life Listening Tool

Dear Sophia: How to survive my family’s holiday gatherings?

Dear Sophia: How to survive my family’s holiday gatherings?

When experiences and views of loved ones differ, how can we still enjoy each other's company?
small acts

The Need Is So Great, but Small Acts Are Christ Embodied

You can live Jesus’ message of compassion
The Wisdom in Being a Nobody

The Wisdom in Being a Nobody

Among the wreckage of our bruised and battered egos is a haze of grace
Serving on the Frontier

Serving on the Frontier

One must be an adept driver (and comfortable with vast open spaces) to lead Easter people
Farm machinery harvesting crops

Jaxon’s Smile

Faithful attention to the risk of farm injuries

Rural Resilience Requires Community

In the toughest times, we can't go it alone

Lead your church through change


with the Missional Leader Cohort