A tool for deepening connections and learning more about the spiritual experiences, questions, and needs of those around you.

Spiritual Life Listening Tool

This one-of-a-kind ministry resource provides you with a framework of thoughtful, targeted questions to increase your understanding of the spiritual needs, opportunities, and experiences of the people around you. Strengthen connections, spark and guide meaningful conversations, and listen deeply to uncover actionable insights within your congregation or community using the Spiritual Life Listening Tool!

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Additional Details:

Guidance and step-by-step instructions for using the Spiritual Life Listening Tool in your context are provided within the downloadable document itself.

How This Works:

We cannot show up effectively as ministry leaders, pastors, and friends until we learn to listen well – wholeheartedly, intently, and with loving awareness.

  • Download our free framework of Spiritual Life Listening questions.
  • Use the questions to guide meaningful spiritual conversations in your ministry setting, congregation, or community (instructions and guidance for the process are provided within the tool document itself).
  • Use your learnings to actionably deepen your understanding of the beautiful, complex people inhabiting your ministry context.

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