March’s Theme: Emotional Intelligence

Join us in March as we explore emotional intelligence as it applies to leadership, the ministry, and for ways to teach the concepts to others. 

two hands holding a card picturing 2-sided profile of a person's head

It may seem as though emotional intelligence is at an all-time low point in our communities, but there is no need to despair. Considering how emotions play a role in all our interactions, they can be practiced and learned. And what better time to tune up those skills and awareness, than while emerging from a pandemic?   

Emotional intelligence is not only the seemingly innate ability to “read the room.” From family systems theory to the impact of sensory experiences to exploring resonance, emotional intelligence comes alive in our faith communities in myriad ways. Building reflection processes into everything we do is our greatest tool, and that self-awareness and examination starts with us as leaders. 

This month as our blog posts, Learning Lab office hour, and the Faith+Lead Book Hub event revolve around the theme of emotional intelligence, we’ll explore frameworks for understanding emotional intelligence of leadership, and ways to teach the concepts to others. 

Engage in these conversations, and share your reactions in the Learning Lab!

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