Episode 15: Coaching for Ministry with Sarah Ciavarri and Dawn Alitz

Coaching can be a powerful ally for pastors. Sarah Ciavarri, author of Finding Our Way to the Truth: Seven Lies Leaders Believe and How to Let Go of Them, and ministry coach Dawn Alitz discuss coaching and ministry.


Dawn Alitz

Dawn Alitz

Dr. Alitz’s expertise is in the area of adult faith formation, coaching, and program coordination. Before joining the Luther staff in 2016, she had over twenty years of experience in congregational leadership in both mission-start and established congregations. She has her ACC credentialing with the International Coaching Federation, trained with the Global Team Coaching Institute, and is well-known within ELCA and ecumenical circles for her work with adaptive leadership, developing online learning opportunities, and collaborating with various networks of educational and synodical professionals. Dr. Alitz's role at Luther places her in a unique position to equip leaders to engage the Gospel in the 21st century by designing, piloting, and building out new business models for theological education and congregational leadership.

Sarah Ciavarri

Sarah Ciavarri

Sarah is the founder and president of Level Up Leadership, LLC, a coaching, leadership consulting, and curriculum design firm.  Sarah works with senior leaders and mid-level managers to maximize their adaptability, sustainability, and potential.

As a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coaching Federation, with over 1400 executive coaching hours, Sarah brings clarity and compassion to create space in which leaders can do the transformative work of changing patterns and beliefs limit our impact.  She is keenly attuned to the inner life of leaders.  She is a sought-after keynote speaker on resilience, burnout prevention, and crafting a life you love in leadership

Meet Your Host

  • Lee Ann Pomrenke

    Lee Ann M. Pomrenke is an ELCA pastor and digital content editor for The Faith+Leader. Rev. Pomrenke is the author of Embodied: Clergy Women and the Solidarity of a Mothering God (Church Publishing, Inc, 2020). She also blogs at leeannpomrenke.com.

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