Love Your Neighbor

Through mutual relationships with the neighbors among whom they’re hosted, Christian communities need to join in acts of compassion, justice, and reconciliation as a witness to the ministry of Jesus—particularly in places of suffering and despair.

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photo of holding hands

Living Under Hope’s Roof

Logic-defying love, projected forward
ballot box

Sabbath Politics

Reimagining the church's role in a polarized world
Martin Luther statue

Rediscovering Reformation Wisdom for Today’s Church

"You're not okay, and that's okay."
Lessons from Ferguson and Beyond

Lessons from Ferguson and Beyond

With the Rev. Dr. F. Willis Johnson
I voted stickers

Navigating Faith and Politics

Insights from Luther scholar Rev. Dr. Anthony Bateza
Following Christ Beyond Difference

Following Christ Beyond Difference

Dwelling in Philippians 1:27 as a way forward together
holy spirit border

Biblical Justice and Innovative Ministry

Lessons from the frontlines
Love at the Margins

Love at the Margins

God’s invitation to truly see the people around us
Bonhoeffer’s Challenge

Bonhoeffer’s Challenge

Three ways we’re called to deepen discipleship in an age of division

Living into the Kingdom of Shalom

Committing to the way of justice and love

Signposts on the Road to Survival

Navigating changing terrain in the climate crisis

The Urgency of Loving Others

Why Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s ideas of personhood matter today

Resilience as Imagination

When life knocks us down, imagination can help us get back up.

Questioning Our Ethics

Leaning into lament, while scrutinizing our stances.

All The Whosoevers

Are we ready to welcome everyone who enters our churches?
Guide for the Perplexed: Writing a letter to the editor

How Faithful People Write Letters to the Editor 

Speak publicly without being partisan

BE:the Church

You can't be unchurched or overchurched, when YOU'RE the church
First Lutheran Church, Clarion, Iowa

Rural Innovation Looks Like

Connecting, Cooperating, and Collaborating

Ready to grow and lead in your ministry?


Step into learning and community as a lay leader!