4.35: Where Did Fresh Expressions Come From? Learning from the UK with Michael Moynagh

Pivot co-hosts Terri Elton and Dwight Zscheile talk with Dr. Michael Moynagh.

Season 4 of the Pivot podcast provides lessons and stories from church leaders who are igniting imagination, creating collaborations, launching experiments, and dreaming of new possibilities for God’s church.

It focuses on two questions:

  • How might we use the uncertainty and disruption of this time to reimagine church, ministry, and leadership?
  • And how might the Christian faith be a resource for making spiritual sense of current realities and leaning into the future that is emerging?



Dr. Michael Moynagh

Dr. Michael Moynagh is a leading scholar, educator and practitioner of Fresh Expressions and the mixed ecology. He is author of multiple books, including Being Church, Doing Life, 21st Century Christian, and Church in Life: Innovation, Mission, and Ecclesiology. 

Meet Your Hosts

  • Dwight Zscheile

    Dwight Zscheile is vice president of innovation and professor of congregational mission and leadership at Luther Seminary. His latest book is Leading Faithful Innovation: Following God into a Hopeful Future (with Michael Binder and Tessa Pinkstaff, Fortress Press, 2023).

  • Terri Elton

    Terri is a teacher who loves Jesus and God’s world. She currently is a Professor of Leadership and Dean of Academic Affairs at Luther Seminary, but has also served in congregations and non-profit settings. In her free time, Terri loves to bike and explore nature. She, along with her husband Eric, believes the world is interesting and together they travel to different cultures and places as often as they can.

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