#65: Exploring Pastoral Leadership Models: Micro Church

Discover a revolutionary ministry model with collaborative leadership in microchurches.

Looking to engage your neighbors in a new way? Exhausted and overwhelmed leading your church alone? In this episode, we’ll look at a new ministry model and how micro churches might be perfect for you and your church.

Are you wondering how to engage collaborative leadership instead of leading solo? A lot of clergy we talk to know that leading a church by themselves is unsustainable but they aren’t sure what it might look like to lead differently. Here’s a case study of a thriving congregation that relies almost exclusively on lay leaders who are supported by clergy. If you aren’t sure you want to join the micro church movement, then you’ll want to watch this episode to learn how clergy can equip bivocational ministry leaders to start new ministries.

Show Notes:



Sean Steele

The Rev. Sean Steele is an ordained Episcopal priest, church entrepreneur and traditioned innovator.  Currently, he is Vicar of St. Isidore Episcopal Church in Spring Texas.  St. Isidore is a complex organization comprised of 11 different Christian missional communities, The Warrior Church Gym, The Abundant Harvest, which served over 110,000 families in 2023 with over 1.2 million lbs of food, and The Abundant Harvest Kitchen and Bistro which operates a Bistro, Catering Company and Food Truck.   

He received an MA in Theology from Creighton University, an MDiv from Seminary of the Southwest, and is a fully trained mediator, Licensed Daring Way Facilitator, and ICF Coach. He is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry in Wonder at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. 

Meet Your Hosts

  • Terri Elton

    Terri Martinson Elton began teaching at Luther Seminary as an adjunct instructor in 2004 before becoming the director of the Center for Children, Youth and Family Ministry in 2008. In addition to her continued work with the Center, Elton accepted the position of associate professor of Children, Youth and Family Ministry in 2010 and associate professor of Leadership in 2014.

    Prior to her call to Luther Seminary, Elton served as an associate to the bishop in the Saint Paul Area Synod where her responsibilities included working with congregations, leadership development, First Call theological education and youth and family ministry.

    Before her work in the synod, she served at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Burnsville, Minn. for 16 years. While at Prince of Peace she worked in various roles within children, youth and family ministries, as well as served as the director of Changing Church Forum, an outreach ministry of Prince of Peace. She also authored To Know, To Live, To Grow, a confirmation curriculum, and co-authored What Really Matters, a book for congregational leaders, with the Rev. Mike Foss.

    Elton holds a B.A. degree in communications from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minn. (1986). She earned both her M.A. (1998) and Ph.D. (2007) degrees in Congregational Mission and Leadership from Luther Seminary.

    Elton’s research and teaching interests include: congregational leadership, leading in the midst of change and conflict, helping ministry leaders craft a missional ecclesiology with an eye toward the First Third of Life, awakening a vibrant theology of baptism and vocation and reimagining faith and mission practices for children, youth, young adults and their families.

    Elton is a member of the Academy of Religious Leadership, the Association of Youth Ministry Educators, the ELCA Youth Ministry Network and the American Society of Missiology and is on the board for Real Resources. Elton spends much of her time working with congregations and congregational leaders and seeks out opportunities for enhancing ministry with those in the First Third of Life within the ELCA.

  • Dr. Alicia Granholm

    Alicia Granholm is senior director of Faith+Lead and a leadership and church consultant based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. She helps pastors and leaders engage culture to make a lasting impact. For nearly two decades, she has trained, equipped, and empowered followers of Jesus to engage their local communities by contextualizing the Gospel and its application. Alicia compassionately crosses cultural boundaries having lived, studied, traveled, and served in 25 countries on six continents. Alicia has a Doctor of Strategic Leadership, Global Consulting (Regent University), MDiv (Bethel Seminary), and MA in Teaching (University of St. Thomas).

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