#87: Unleashing Lay Leadership: Vicki Elfers’ Lay Leadership Success Story

Vicki Elfers, an alum of Faith+Lead’s School for Lay Ministry, shares her remarkable journey from shy church secretary to confident lay minister.

In this compelling episode of the Pivot Podcast, we dive into the emerging importance of lay leadership in today’s church. Our guest, Faith+Lead’s School for Lay Ministry alum Vicki Elfers, shares her inspiring journey from behind-the-scenes church secretary to dynamic lay minister, now preaching, leading Bible studies, and even conducting funerals.

Hosts Rev. Dr. Dwight Zscheile and Dr. Alicia Granholm explore how Vicki’s story exemplifies a crucial pivot in church leadership—from clergy-led to lay-led, clergy-supported ministry. They discuss practical ways to identify and nurture lay leaders, the impact of leadership training programs, and how embracing lay leadership can breathe new life into congregations.

Whether you’re a church leader seeking to empower your congregation or a lay person sensing a call to deeper involvement, this episode offers valuable insights on unleashing the potential of lay leadership for a vibrant, sustainable church future.

Show Notes:


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Vicki Elfers

Vicky Elfers is a lay leader who has embraced an expanded role in her congregation on Long Island, New York. Vicki's journey from church secretary to lay assistant to the pastor is both inspiring and instructive. She leads weekly Bible study and preaches once a month. She recently participated in Faith+Lead's School for Lay Ministry, a yearlong online cohort for lay leaders, and has been active in the diaconate program of the ELCA Metro New York Synod (called Growing in Faith). She is also a commissioned spiritual director.

Meet Your Hosts

  • Dr. Alicia Granholm

    Alicia Granholm is senior director of Faith+Lead and a leadership and church consultant based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. She helps pastors and leaders engage culture to make a lasting impact. For nearly two decades, she has trained, equipped, and empowered followers of Jesus to engage their local communities by contextualizing the Gospel and its application. Alicia compassionately crosses cultural boundaries having lived, studied, traveled, and served in 25 countries on six continents. Alicia has a Doctor of Strategic Leadership, Global Consulting (Regent University), MDiv (Bethel Seminary), and MA in Teaching (University of St. Thomas).

  • Dr. Dwight Zscheile

    Dr. Dwight Zscheile is vice president of innovation and professor of congregational mission and leadership at Luther Seminary. His latest book is Leading Faithful Innovation: Following God into a Hopeful Future (with Michael Binder and Tessa Pinkstaff, Fortress Press, 2023).

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