
What Is Biblical Hope?

And why it matters

Hope in the Resurrection Zone

Resurrection is not resuscitation

Faith & Food

How we eat shows who we are

Provoke Life

How to share your faith without being ‘that person’

Faith & Non-Creepy Evangelism

Sharing the gospel without making people’s skin crawl

More Common Than We Acknowledge

Wrestling with a robust theology of disability.

When Do Blind People Guide Others? 

Reframing a challenging biblical text

My Body Is Not a Prayer Request

What if wheelchairs became like glasses?

Say Yes To Rest

Why you—yes, you!—need to practice Sabbath.

Churches and the Crisis of Decline

Why are church attendance and religiosity dwindling? What are we being called to do about it?

Ubuntu Theology

The Heart of Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s Life Work

Finding Common Ground

People and places are interconnected. Remembering this helps us have important conversations about climate change.

Faithfulness in a Time of Collapse

Everything is changing. There is biblical precedent for this.

Stewardship from a Womanist Perspective

Stewardship as a way of life

Communities of Calling

Insights from the Collegeville Institute's Communities of Calling Initiative on how the theological concept of vocation can transform congregations.

Imagine sermon preparation that feels like a retreat.


Experience this at Sermon Camp for Preachers.