Dr. Joy Jittaun Moore, an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church and Professor of Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, serves as a Visiting Professor of Religion and Chapman-Benson Lecturer at Huntingdon College in Montgomery, Alabama. Before coming to Luther Seminary, she established the William E. Pannell Center for African American Church Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA; served as Associate Dean for Lifelong Learning at Duke Divinity School; director of Student Life at Asbury Theological Seminary; and chaplain and director of Church Relations at Adrian College. She has held pastorates in the Michigan Area of the United Methodist Church and written for Sojourners magazine, Christian Century, Good News magazine, and Working Preacher. She can be heard weekly on the Sermon Brainwave podcast. Joy grew up in the American Midwest on Chicago’s southside attending Commonwealth Community Church, where she was spiritually formed and experienced a call to Christian Ministry. Professor Moore was president of the Wesleyan Theological Society from 2020-2022 and an avid fan of books by David Baldacci and John Hart. When not teaching, she enjoys traveling, watching episodes of NCIS, and reading.