How to Make Going to a Baseball Game a Meaningful Spiritual Practice

This breakthrough practice helps you build community, show support for your neighbors, and experience God’s presence in daily life.

little league baseball game

This breakthrough practice helps you build community, show support for your neighbors, and experience God’s presence in daily life.


This practice is for church leaders and lay members who want to deepen meaningful connections in the congregation or neighborhood.


One reason some cite for falling worship attendance numbers and engagement in church is that families are too busy with other activities, such as music and sports. But perhaps God is at work there, too. 

Outcomes of this practice include:

  • Connection to neighbors, including with those who do not regularly participate in church activities.
  • Expanded imagination about what God is doing in the neighborhood.
  • A deepened sense of community that is formed outside church walls.


  1. Identify children in your congregation or neighborhood that you know, and who are engaged in sports, music, or other extracurricular activities.
  2. Go to one of their games, recitals, or shows to show an interest in what they’re doing.
  3. While there, ask what God might be doing in the lives of all those gathered.


Attend a baseball game as a spiritual practice

Download a PDF of this infographic that walks you through the entire practice.

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

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