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Kiss the Ground

woman mixing greens with top soil
november monthly theme graphic on faith & food

In the 2020 film “Kiss the Ground,” narrator Woody Harrelson addresses climate change from a different starting point: Rather than focusing on fossil-fuel consumption alone, the film shows how conventional agricultural practices degrade soil, turning soil into “dirt” that releases carbon.

With sustainable farming practices, however, soil can dramatically reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere within a matter of decades. Without soil-conserving actions, humans could destroy the world’s remaining topsoil in 60 years.

The film draws on expert voices and examples from around the globe to answer the question: If electric cars and solar panels are not enough, what is the solution to climate change? The film explores a bevy of human actions (biodynamic farming, no-till techniques, composting food waste, regenerative diet) that restore degraded lands and reduce harmful impacts, which in turn could buy time for biodiversity and the earth’s self-healing systems to take root.The film is available to watch on Netflix (or Vimeo for $1 rental) and a 45-minute version is available for educators to share for free. Watch the trailer at https://kissthegroundmovie.com/

  • Ben McDonald Coltvet

    Ben McDonald Coltvet is Associate Director of Digital Content on the Faith+Lead team. He helps Faith+Leaders find the inspiration, encouragement, and resources they need to do the hard work of leading in their community through projects such as Working Preacher, Enter the Bible, and, of course, Faith+Lead.

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Jon Anderson
2 years ago

Thanks @Ben MC. I found the video and watched it earlier last week. I found it interesting. It is inspiring as well. A few years back Gustavus Adolphos did a Nobel Conference on Soil. A couple of the main speakers were part of videos I watched of the conference or that linked to the speakers involved. https://gustavus.edu/events/nobelconference/2018/ – Living Soil: A Universe Underfoot. I am going to touch base with some farmers to see what their thoughts might be as well. Thanks for lifting this up.

Jon Anderson
2 years ago
Reply to  Jon Anderson

Gustavus Adolphus….oops.

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