#54: How to Listen to Your Neighbors’ Spiritual Stories

#53: Word of Encouragement for Church Leaders

#52: Centering Discipleship

#51: Q&A Response Session #1

#50: Burned out and Overwhelmed? Why this is more normal than you think and what to do about it

#49: Learning to Ask ‘God Questions’: Transforming an Inherited Church

#48: Meeting Neighbors Where They Are

#47: Why Are So Many Churches Struggling Today?

#46: Four Key Pivots for Today’s Church

#45: Cultivating Leaders for the Mixed Ecology

#44: How to Cultivate the Mixed Ecology in a Regional Church System with Calla Gilson

#43: How to Get Started in the Mixed Ecology in a Local Church with Roz Picardo

4.40: Introducing Dinner Church with JD Larson

4.36: The Mixed Ecology in the US with Michael Beck

4.34 Introducing the Mixed Ecology and Why It Matters

The Seeds Project welcomes new fellows for 2023 program

Leaders Adjusting Our Perspective and Practices