Funding Ministry? We Got You!

Stewardship resources for annual campaigns can help you plan for success


August’s Stewardship Leaders Program Newsletter theme of Funding Ministry? We Got You! is nearly over. We hope you have found helpful and inspiring information to guide an annual campaign, whether you have had one every year for as long as you can remember, or are trying it for the first time. Growing disciples and cultivating generous givers is hard work, and given the amount of change happening in our culture and our churches, there is no single solution.

What follows are links to a variety of annual stewardship campaign resources. My hope and prayer is that you discover something that captures your imagination and gives you ideas for engaging the people in your community around generosity and stewardship. Peace be yours. 

Helpful NEW Resources

  • Stewardship In A Box: We partnered with Church Anew to create a resource designed to give you everything you need to guide your community through a meaningful conversation about faith and finances. Using tried and true methods from fundraising experts and stewardship leaders, this resource will help congregations from the beginning to the end of a stewardship campaign.

Pure Annual Campaign Gold From Our Faith+Lead Archives

Impactful Book

  • Embracing Stewardship: Chick Lane and Grace Pomroy are seasoned stewardship leaders and work together to support congregations interested in putting stewardship in the center of congregational life. Chapter 6 is all about conducting an excellent stewardship program.

Organizations With Practical Resources

ELCA Stewardship Resources: The ELCA has dozens of stewardship resources for congregations, households, and individuals. Check it out!

  • Arlene Flancher

    I have landed at Luther Seminary as a program coordinator for CYF and Stewardship after working for 12 years as a medical technologist in hospital labs, 15 years as a product developer and project manager in publishing at 1517 Media, and nearly 9 years as a director of children and family ministries in a congregation. My passion is ministry with kids and families - especially kids ages birth - 6th grade. My favorite church season is Advent. No question. When I'm not working, I will be walking outside with my dog in all kinds of weather, teaching piano lessons, reading, binging on Netflix, mentoring kids, seeking natural beauty, trying to garden, meeting friends for coffee or lunch, or spending time with husband of 38 years and our expanding family.

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