What Does the Birth of Jesus Mean to You?

Sharing faith stories is a gift.


In these last few days leading up to Christmas, we here at Faith+Lead wanted to open a space for reflection on the meaning of Christmas, on the miracle of the Incarnation. For episode 5.56 of the Pivot podcast, we asked a number of people from the greater Faith+Lead/Luther Seminary/Seeds Project community to tell us what the birth of Jesus means to them. Their answers are in the video below.

What does the birth of Jesus mean to you? Where are the opportunities for your congregation to share their stories of what Jesus means to them? In your church facebook group? After worship on Sunday? In an adult education forum? Is there a way to work a storytelling practice (similar to Why Jesus?, but specifically focused on the Incarnation) into the plan for Sunday, December 31st?

Giving your faith community a chance to tell, and listen to, these stories with one another is a wonderful way of really living into our being the Body of Christ and celebrating when “the Word became flesh and lived among us.”

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Margit Maakestad Coltvet
7 months ago

What a joy to listen to what the birth of Jesus in a manger, in a feed box, means to so many people from many cultures at Luther Seminary. Thank you, Faith-Lead, for modeling storytelling among the family of God. It is deeply meaningful to me.

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