Faith &

Adaptive vs. Technical Challenges

Facing challenges that don't have easy answers.

Suggestions for Use

  • Go through the Bible study during your daily devotion.
  • Read one of the featured stories and journal about how your experience is similar or different.
  • Try out one of the spiritual practices by yourself or with a friend.
  • Invite members of your small group, staff, or board to read an article and summarize it at your next meeting.
  • Include one of these resources in your church's newsletter.

Curated Resources on Adaptive vs. Technical Challenges

people running a difficult obstacle course

Some challenges are straightforward. We need to replace the battery in our car. We need to equip the sanctuary for live-streaming. Some are much more complex—so complex that not only are we unsure what we need to do, we don't know how or why. For example:

  • How do we cultivate deep Christian faith in a post-Christian world?
  • How do we address the crisis of polarization and tribalism in our communities?
  • How do we find hope in the midst of chaos?
Yet these are precisely the kinds of challenges disciples and leaders are called to face every day. These resources will help give you a start.


Upcoming Live Workshop


Coaching and Leading in the Digital Age with Ryan Panzer