Faith &

Faith & Healthy Boundaries

Clear internal and external boundaries help us thrive.

Suggestions for Use

  • Go through the Bible study during your daily devotion.
  • Read one of the featured stories and journal about how your experience is similar or different.
  • Try out one of the spiritual practices by yourself or with a friend.
  • Invite members of your small group, staff, or board to read an article and summarize it at your next meeting.
  • Include one of these resources in your church's newsletter.

Curated Resources on Faith & Healthy Boundaries

women holding hands across a table

From the beginning God set boundaries for all parts of creation, and called it good (see Genesis 1:6-8, Psalm 16:5-6). Clear internal and external boundaries can help individuals and communities thrive. Yet setting and keeping boundaries is work, and our efforts to do so are often met with resistance. When we cross others’ boundaries, or allow ours to be crossed, we can experience resentment, relational enmeshment, burnout, and conflict. This month’s theme will explore healthy boundaries for individual Christians and for the various roles we inhabit: in relationships, in families, in congregations and communities, and with our neighbors in a pluralistic world.


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