Blog Posts

Remembering Trayvon Martin

How do we, in the missional church movement, deal with the pain we feel as we listen to the discussion following the shooting of Trayvon Martin?  I fear that silence here could be misinterpreted. I think that those of us who carry white skin privilege can not remain silent. Silence is complicity, as the bumper sticker…

100 People: A Global Village

The ELCA World Hunger program has launched a line of Web-based resources, Hunger Education Toolkits. The Hunger Education Toolkits will help you design, host, and lead a learning experience on hunger or hunger-related topics. 100 People: A Global Village This activity will help participants see the stark realities of our world by looking at important…

Art of Possibility

by Pastor Nancy Lee Gauche Check out Tom Langemo’s blog on the Art of Possibility! Here’s some background in the form of a blog informing us what drives Coach Tom Langemo around “The Art of Possibility”.  You had a taste of this “art” at the First Third event on confirmation.  My challenge for all of…

Countdown to Monkey Business!

Just 3 more days until…. Monkey Business: A First Third Dialogue on the Confirmation Process We are so excited to host 125 pastors, confirmation directors, volunteers and CHANGE AGENTS to think deeply about confirmation. We’ll be posting videos with the presenters, group coaches and panelists. Stay tuned for resources on how YOU can dig into…

Playing Out the Dialogue

As we explore confirmation, we need to move the dialogue into action. Your ministry is a game worth playing in this life, and we want to help you set yourself up to win. There’s a great deal at stake! The goal-setting process below is to help you take what you’ve learned and design a way…

Formation Centered Confirmation

By Rev. Tim Coltvet,Coordinator of Contextual Learning and Coaching for the Children, Youth, and Family Ministry at Luther Seminary As I step back for a moment, I have to say, “I love confirmation!”  And I’m really excited for the next First Third Dialogue: Monkey Business.   I, perhaps like you, have actually been the envy of…