
Healing & Care

Explore how you can participate in God’s healing for yourself and others.

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Episode 62: “A Spiritual Spa”, with Heidi Barr, Sandhya Jha, and Ellie Roscher

Cultivating hope in our bodies by connecting with the Divine

Episode 57: Jeff Dafler – Hope in Vulnerable Bodies

The Faith+Lead September Book Hub welcomes Jeff Dafler as he talks about his book, Psobriety.

Episode 41: How Do We Relate Now with Rev. Dr. Sarah Griffith Lund

Rev. Dr. Sarah Griffith Lund joins the December 2021 Book Hub to discuss her book, "Blessed Union: Breaking the Silence about Mental Illness and Marriage."

Episode 11: Care for Church Leaders: Biblical Storytelling

Lee Ann Pomrenke, author of "Embodied: Clergy Women and the Solidarity of a Mothering God," explores biblical storytelling.

Episode 13: Care for Church Leaders: Uncovering Self-Care

Heidi Barr, co-author of 12 Tiny Things, discusses self-care practices.

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