• Dr. Kristofer Phan Coffman

    Kristofer Phan Coffman ’16 M.Div. holds a tenure-eligible New Testament faculty position. Coffman completed his Ph.D. in Classical and Near Eastern Religions and Culture at the University of Minnesota and is the first person of Cambodian descent to receive a PhD in Biblical Studies. He served as an adjunct professor at Luther since 2019 teaching New Testament Greek classes and a class on Paul’s letter to the Romans.

    He is the author of the book chapter “Christmas Cookies in Cambodia: The Bible and Race in America” in “Dialogues on: Race” and has written several book reviews as well as academic articles on topics ranging from Norwegian-American Lutheran history to biblical interpretation and translation. In addition to his academic work, he has a keen interest in food and farming. Coffman has written popular articles on responsible consumption and agriculture, translates recipes for the award-winning new Nordic chef Mikkel Karstad and served as copy-editor and translation consultant on the forthcoming cookbook “SAOY: The Forgotten Flavors of Royal Cambodian Home Cuisine” by Chef Rotanak Ros.

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