
Justice & Service

Reflections and practices to help everyday disciples and leaders do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.

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Lessons from Ferguson and Beyond

With the Rev. Dr. F. Willis Johnson

Biblical Justice and Innovative Ministry

Lessons from the frontlines

Love at the Margins

God’s invitation to truly see the people around us

Bonhoeffer’s Challenge

Three ways we’re called to deepen discipleship in an age of division

Where Can Hope be Found?

The importance of eschatology in Christian community

Stewarding Church Property and Spaces For The Common Good

A generational opportunity

Loving your Neighbor: A Missionary Kid’s Perspective

Maybe life doesn’t have to be extremely different to live out the gospel

It’s Your Time Now

Learning that God’s plans are different and better than your own.

Living into the Kingdom of Shalom

Committing to the way of justice and love

Signposts on the Road to Survival

Navigating changing terrain in the climate crisis

The Urgency of Loving Others

Why Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s ideas of personhood matter today

Questioning Our Ethics

Leaning into lament, while scrutinizing our stances.

All The Whosoevers

Are we ready to welcome everyone who enters our churches?

Solidarity Economics and the Good Life

“We do better when we all do better.” -Paul Wellstone

How Faithful People Write Letters to the Editor 

Speak publicly without being partisan

Immigration and the Good Life: Where Everyone Has Enough

A good life means a fulfilling life for all people

Bishop Curry’s “We Shall Overcome” Sermon

Preaching hope at the Festival of Homiletics

The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Us

Advocacy is about caring about the world around us

Digital Ministry Training


Bridge the gap between timeless truths and emerging technologies.

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5 Practices to Cultivate a Flourishing Church by Scaling Back