
Worship & Scripture

Explore the Bible and engage more deeply in passionate worship.

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The Word Comes Alive in Song

Lutherans are a singing people

The Hope of the Crucifixion

A symbol of a love so deep, so infinite, that it is almost terrifying to behold

Want to Read the Bible, but Not Sure Where to Start?

Different approaches to reading the Bible address different goals

Please, Stop Calling It a Pageant!

Children leading worship helps us understand and experience God's Word in a new way

There’s a Psalm for That

How the Psalms speak to us when death leaves a hole in our lives

Worship Planning, Starting from Scratch

Faithful tips and resources to get started

The Touch of God

A person can be reshaped by turning their mind and heart to God

Giving God Our Best

Your gifts are enough

Dear Sophia: How to Craft a Mixed Spirituality Wedding?

Holding space for what you deeply value: your relationships with each other, your community, and the Divine

Get on the Tractor: Church Community Amid the ‘Idle and Disruptive’

How 2 Thessalonians can help us move past complaining.

Animation, Faith, and Action

Going deeper into movies.

Jesus’ Coaching Skills

Biblical examples of how faithful coaching works

Totally Unreasonable: the Way to the Good Life

The self-emptying love of God invites us into a deeper good.

Curiosity as Possibility

How you answer a question may be as important as the answer itself

Bible Curious? Bring Your Questions to ‘Enter the Bible’

Bible study leaders or seekers, this is for you!

Searching for Lydia

Engaging with our spiritually curious neighbors

Bread from Ravens, Bread from Heaven

The often surprising means of God’s provision

Paul, an Apostle, by the Will of God

We all ache for an assurance stronger than our dim reflection

Upcoming Leadership Training Series


Apply the insights of Brené Brown’s work to your faithful leadership.

Upcoming Lay Leader Training Cohort


The School for Lay Ministry is Back! Reserve your spot today.

Upcoming Preaching Workshop


Address controversial topics from the pulpit with wisdom, humor, and grace.